I originally started this blog after stalking many, many blogs and thinking 'what the hell, I can do this'. I guess my life was just too hectic to actually commit to blogging, so I stopped. Things have calmed down (kind of) so I figured I would give it another try. Who knows if anyone will actually read this crap, but here it goes!
In the past 2 months, a bazillion (is that even a word) things have happened. Where do I even start?
-My dog, Gunner, was one of the main reasons Blue Buffalo put out a recall on their dog food. To make a long story short, their food almost killed my beloved Gunnies! They basically were putting too much Vitamin D in their food, shutting down the kidneys of dogs who ate the food. They were pretty much giving my dog RAT POISION. After a long battle with us, a couple other dog owners, and the Michigan State University diagnostic team, Blue Buffalo did the right thing and recalled the food. I am still waiting for my $1000 vet bills to be reimbursed!
- The main sewar line on our street backed up into the basement, AGAIN. Yes, this is the 2nd time in 2 years this happened. Almost 2 years apart, to be exact. Weird, no. Someone on our street has been dumping straight up grease into the sewar. I can't even begin to explain how disgusting this is. How gross are you that you are using that much grease in your cooking!! The guys who unblocked the main line said there was about 600-700 lbs. of grease blocking the main line. They had never seen this before! So, we are having the basement re-done AGAIN.
-Two weekends ago, we were at Texas Roadhouse (yall know you love the cinnamon butter, don't judge) any my poor babycakes received 2nd degree burns from touching hot butter in a sweet potato. The server put MY plate directly in front of Colton and he stuck his finger in the bubbline butter on the sweet potato. WHO THE HELL puts a scalding hot plate in front of an 11 month old ?!?! I saw him putting the plate down but it was too late by the time I pulled it away from him; Colton had already grabbed it. Talk about a screaming child for over a hour :( I am in the midst of fighting with the coroprate office over this one as we speak.
I plan to make a separate post about each of these with pictures so yall can have more details. This blog could turn into something fun afterall. After I find a decent blog design. The shiz I have going on now is pretty ghetto fab, if I do say so myself.
12 Fat Eighth Friendly Quilts
6 days ago
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