March 05, 2010

fabrics..take 1

I mentioned earlier this week that I was starting on my very first quilt for Colton.  I am doing the Ragged Squares Quilt with these fabrics.  I spent about 2 hours at Joann Fabrics picking out thread, batting, fabric, cutting mat, etc. I started cutting the fabrics last week, and I have about 80 squares to go!  I really hope these fabrics turn out looking OK together in the quilt.  Not sure what I am going to do with the back yet, but I picked up some tan Kona to use. 

The below fabrics were actually my first ever fabric purchase..I bought this before I even had my sewing machine!  Here are fat quarters of Amy Butler's entire LOVE collection.  I have no idea what kind of quilt I want to make with this, but I have a while to make up my mind.

March 01, 2010

my bff's

like i have nothing else to do...

I decided to start a blog for a couple reasons....

a) I have become obsessed with fabric and quilts

b) I had the most adorable baby boy in November and I plan to post a Pic of the Day for all of my family who don't get to see him as often as they like

c) I have a 3 month old baby, a year old Weimaraner, and a full time as you can see, I clearly have nothing to do with my 'spare' time

d) Actually, I have also become obsessed with quilt and craft blogs.  I love looking at all the cool projects and craft for ideas and thought people might get a kick out of watching someone get their first sewing machine and trying to use it!  As much as I enjoy reading professional crafters and quilters blogs, it is always refreshing to see someone who is as clueless as me! it goes. I have begun cutting my fabrics for my first ever quilt for my bubbs.  Since I have never used my machine before, I am going to start with a ragged square quilt...thank god for the tutorial by crazy mom quilts!  I will take some pics and post them tonight!

I am also working on the blog layout...sorry!